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JANUARY 13, 2009


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.

Commission Members present:  Marks, Barczak and Yochum
Commission Members absent:  DiNicola and Steimle
Staff present:  Mangold, Reggiano and Samuelson
Staff absent: None


The minutes of the regular meeting held November 12, 2008 and December 9, 2008 were tabled because the Commission did not have a quorum.


Ø       None.


Ø       Memo from First Selectman Borst notifying the department heads that there is a hiring freeze in place.
Ø       Memo from Ron Bienkowski to Director Mangold notifying her that because of the budget crunch they will not be in a position to cover expenses for custodial and/or security costs for Saturday activities held by Parks and Recreation and Newtown Youth Basketball ($33,181.00). The Commission requested that Director Mangold share this memo with the First Selectman and the Board of Selectmen. They also requested that Director Mangold ask Mr. Bienkowski for the details of the allocations for this money (a copy of this letter to go to the First Selectman and the Board of Selectmen). This money cannot be added to the Parks and Recreation budget without these details.  Parks and Recreation will also review their budget for the monies that are spent on maintaining the fields for the Board of Education.
Ø       Memo from First Selectman Borst to the Town of Newtown Bargaining Units.  This letter was a request from the Board of Selectmen, if necessary, to reopen negotiations for economics issues.
Ø       Director Mangold sent a letter to the National Parks and Recreation Association to advocate for an economic stimulus package.


Ø       None.


Ø       Thanks to Chairman Marks and Commissioner Yochum for attending the gathering at Hot Shots for the Department.
Ø       Director Mangold will be holding a staff meeting on January 20th to go over goals and objectives for the department.
Ø       Rick Orten of Public Worked passed away on Monday, services will be held later on in the week.
Ø       Director Mangold met with Assistant Director Samuelson, John Reed (Fairfield Hills Authority) and Gary Sorge from Stantec to review the proposal to the Town for an additional trail at Fairfield Hills.  The present trail at Fairfield Hills is getting a lot of use. Mr. Reed will work on this project and the money would possibly come from the Fairfield Hills infrastructure grant.
Ø       Skateboard park committee is still pushing forward with this project. Committee members will be attending the budget-hearing meeting on January 21st.  Director Mangold met with  Jason Stouder of ARC (American Ramp Company) who work with departments to obtain skateboard parks.
Ø       Eichler’s Cove - the department is working with Carol Marchetti to learn each phase of the process for securing renters for the slips.
Ø       Director Mangold learned that the Lacrosse organization donated a flagpole by the scoreboard at Treadwell Park.  She will contact them to see what their plans are for dedicating the poll.
Ø       Director Mangold met with Scott Coleman and Rob Sibley (Land Use) to discuss the extension of the Rails to Trails trail from the Monroe line into Newtown about 1600 feet.  Mr. Sibley will have the property surveyed to make sure the property is Town owned open space.  Mr. Coleman and his Boys Scout troop will be attending the February Commission meeting to propose this project.


Ø       Parks and Fields report was reviewed.
Ø       The ice skating rink at Dickinson Park is open.
Ø       Cleaning up storm damage from the ice storm.
Ø       Treadwell has been busy with sledders.  
Ø       Tilson artificial turf field project is going very well.  The project might be held up a bit with the incoming cold weather over the next few days. Public Works has been a big help with hauling ice out of Tilson in return Parks and Recreation has been helping them haul salt.  Ledge was hit during construction of the field and Public Works will do the work to remove the rock.  This will help Parks and Recreation from incurring any further charges for that work.
Ø       LRM will begin the Urban Trail next week. The ground needs to be frozen in order to get to the back of the trail with the equipment. Lighting install at the baseball field at Fairfield Hill is going very well.  The utilities install has started as well.


Ø       Starting to get the Spring/Summer programs together. Numbers are down for the winter programs, many programs have been canceled. Kidsfit is only running one program this winter.  Not sure of the future of Kidsfit.  Newtown Youth Academy is running many of the same programs that Kidsfit was running.
Ø       Assistant Director Reggiano is concerned that Parks and Recreation will not meet the required 1400 hours/$88,000.00 lease agreement by November 1, 2009.  She would like to put basketball into the NYA if we fall short of the hours.  Assistant Director Reggiano will document when we are not approved to use NYA. Copy of this document should be sent to the Board of Selectman and Attorney Grogins.  Town is not getting priority scheduling.
Ø       Ice skating party at Dickinson Park on February 6.
Ø       Assistant Director Reggiano will be meeting with Gino Faiella, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, Jack Shpunt and Tammy Marks from Newtown Youth Basketball to discuss the reason why some of the schools where not opened on January 3rd.


Ø       Tabled until February meeting.  The Commission did not have a quorum.


Ø       Tabled until February meeting.  The Commission did not have a quorum.

12.  2009/2010 BUDGET/CIP - UPDATE

Ø       The budget was sent to the First Selectman and the Board of Selectmen.  Bottom line of budget came in with a 1.78% decrease from the present year’s budget.  Budget meeting with the Board of Selectmen will be held on January 21st.
Ø       CIP Chairman Marks received a call from John Voket of the Newtown Bee with incorrect information from the Finance Sub-Committee meeting. He will retract the incorrect information in the Newtown Bee. The following is the correct information:  Dickinson Master plan was moved out 1 year; the Community Center budget was cut to $3.38 million and putting the $350,000 back into the CIP for the Maintenance Building roof will be discussed.
Ø       Attorney Grogins is reviewing the proposal from Ames & Whitaker for the design phase of the Community Center.


Ø       There is one official vacancy for the Commission.  Mrs. Eigen has resigned. Commissioner Yochum has found someone interested in joining with Commission.  She will be following up on this.

14.  OTHER

Ø       Director Mangold is still working with Russell Bartley on the roofing of the Maintenance building.  Nothing has been happening.
Ø       Surcharge monies – the shade structure for Treadwell Park is in the process of being ordered.  The basketball hoops for Newtown Youth Basketball have been delivered.  Director Mangold will contact the Board of Selectmen to be put on their agenda to request the monies from the surcharge account. Chairman Marks would like the exact amount in the surcharge account.  He would like to have it before going to the Board of Selectmen’s meeting.



Ø       The Commission discussed the possibility of moving the Department to the Edmond Town Hall.  This is in the very preliminary stage at this time.  One big issue is the computer technology that would have to be upgraded it order to move there. The Commission wanted to make sure that if the move took place that it would be with the understanding that it would be a temporary move until the Community Center could be built. Moving up to the Edmond Town Hall would free up the present building for the Police Department.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Donna Benson